Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Good morning, new friends

Hello, RPG community. I'm whimiscallyJT, or JT for short (I've heard it's easier to type the initials). This is my first time to this particular community, but not to PBP communities in general. In fact, I got my RPing started on a PBP in MSN Groups, back when they existed. I've been roleplaying for a few years, and I still enjoy it. I look forward to joining in the fun with all of you. :)

I have a wide range of genres that I will play, but I am partial to science fiction and fantasy genres. I am an avid fan of X-Men, Star Wars, and Mass Effect. I play many fan-fiction RPs (Gears of War, Final Fantasy, Star Wars, Mass Effect, Kingdom Hearts, Star Trek, X-Men). I also thoroughly love to make my own original RPs, and to join original creations.

I usually log onto the internet every day, and can spend hours here during most weekdays. I am more active if the RP(s) I'm here are also active. That doesn't seem to be a problem here, from the threads I've looked over. Anyway, if you feel like RPing with me, or want to work with me on a new one, let me know. This is my first post, so don't PM me, yet. Just use this topic for now.

Alright, I think that's everything for now. :) Looking forward to hearing from some of you.



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